Mar 8, 2009

Weekend demonstration

Last weekend thousands marched and demonstrated to protest the teaching of Maths and Science in English. Of course the police and the Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) were there to disperse the demo with tear gases and water cannons. We have been independent for 51 years now. We tell the world we practice democracy. Why then are citizens still not allowed to march and demonstrate peacefully? If they want to march and hand over a memorandum to the King, let them do it. Give the organisers a permit to demo to hand over the memo to the palace. It is a joy to see people able to assemble, march and air their views peacefully. GIve them an avenue to vent their frustrations with the policies of the powers that be. No need for violence and assault by the FRU and the police. We should learn from countries like France, US and UK how to go about handling such assemblies. The fact that the powers that be still do not honor such a democratic right is pathetic and shows that we have not matured as a democratic society.
Now about the teaching of maths and science in English, I have no objections with that policy. However there are others who feel they want to study the subjects in the Malay language. I have no objections with that too. Students should be allowed to study in the language they are most comfortable with. As long as they are educated rightly in the subjects. To resolve the problem, allow the subjects to be taught in both languages. Those who want to study in English may attend the classes that teach in English and those who want to study in Malay may attend classes that teach the subjects in Malay. The students and their parents should be allowed to make up their minds about the benefits of studying the subjects in English or Malay. End of problem.

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