Feb 16, 2009


We all get insights. It may be right or it may be wrong, only time will tell. This is an insight i have got recently:-
We breathe even though we are not conscious of it. Likewise we digest food unconciously. When we go into a deep sleep, the body functions normally unconciously. It is the natural way. It is always simple, unconscioused and eased way. The way as it is. It is only when the 'i' & its affairs come into the picture that interrupts the natural way & makes everything unnatural, complicated, difficult and dis-eased. The 'i' is the trouble maker..the body is in the mind and not vice versa. If the mind is filled with 'i-ness', which brings suffering, the body being a product of the mind and still exist in the mind will be so conditioned to make it dis-eased.

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