Feb 7, 2009

The GAIA project

My last posting was in October 2008. Now we are in the new year both in the western and also in the chinese new year. Hwee Yong Jang the author of The GAIA Project 2012 has passed away since late last year. I purchased and read his book last December and found out that he has passed away when i visited the GAIA project blog recently. For those who are not familiar with the project, it is an unprecedented huge scale plan in this unlimited universe where earth is at the center of the plan. It includes the initial formation and the final change of the earth- the Earth's Great Change. The plan is already under process- marked by natural disasters, disease, war and social chaos- and is in its final stages now and until the year 2012- where it will end in our planet's ascension to a new dimension. In the end good will triumph over evil. 'GAIA' is a greek word referring to the earth goddess.

As i read in the papers today about the worsening global economic crisis, the gaza war and the unprecendented drought in China affecting its summer wheat harvest, it is self evident that Hwee Yong Jang's predictions are coming true. These are part of the events that must happen as part of the GAIA project until year 2012 when a new heaven and a new earth dawns upon mankind. Rest assured that we are not alone now. There are forces of good, 'angels' or 'guides' as Hwee calls them, in our midst today to assist those who have a part to play in bringing about the new era for the new world. So for all of us who hunger and thirst for righteousness, act NOW to correct whatever that is wrong around us, for the forces of good are with us.

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