Feb 10, 2009

Economic crisis

President Barack Obama talks about a US813 billion dollar rescue package for the US economy. He is not sure it will be enough to resolve the present economic crisis described as unprecedented by Donald Trump recently. If the US economy collapses, then there will be a domino effect all over the world and this country will be no exception.
The ordinary citizen in this country is now worried and anxious about how to pay the mortgage, the car loans, the uitlities bills, the grocery bills, the credit card bills, the medical bills etc. etc. The system has made slaves of us all. There is negative energy in the atmosphere. We earn to pay our debts. One generation has also incurred another generation's debt. There is this never ending story of paying debts both at the national and personal level. And repayment of those debts are made more burdensome during this economic crisis. This is the time for the government to act. However that does not seem to be the case. What i see is a government more interested in staying in power and spending more time on elections. There are still those in government who say that this country will not be affected badly and we have the economic fundamentals to survive the crisis. Perhaps it's time to stop concentrating on politics and start tackling the looming crisis. The government should extend its hand to the opposition- declare a peace moratorium of one year- and sit down and work together. To share power to fight this crisis. Egos should be put aside and selfless sacrifice is needed from every citizen, from the Prime Minister in his Putrajaya palace to the beggar on the street.
I think that we should not underestimate the force of the present economic crisis. I propose that the government stop being complacent about the threat of the crisis and stop worrying about staying in power. It has the responsibility to act with a sense of urgency to mitigate the present economic phenomenon so that the citizens can have peace of mind. With peace of mind, we can tackle any problem.
The government can start with uniting the people with policies of moratoriums of 1 year or more - waiving income tax for one year, waiving assssments for one year, directing that banks and finance companies suspend all legal actions for debt recovery for one year, reduce electricity bills, direct banks to give out loans and credits to citizens at low interest rates, waive all taxes on foreign investment, aid should be given to companies to reduce retrenchment and special bodies set up to care for the unemployed and find jobs for them. An emergency fund should be set up for those who are poor or needful and steps taken to cut down on red tape and corruption at all levels of society. Incompetence should be rooted out from all government departments. Government and financial support should be given readilly to any body or corporation that shows will and ability to fight this war. Natural resources should be managed well by responsible people. There should be only one purpose - to unite all peoples - to enrich thy neighbor rather than to beggar thy neighbor. To enrich all. To give peace of mind to all and to strenghen all materially as well as spiritually. The super rich should be taxed heavilly and the taxes can be used to implement policies that distribute wealth among the peoples.
The goal is to tackle this crisis head on and bring on the bandwagon all the peoples, the best and as well the mediocre, irregardless of race and creed- for all can contribute in some way to enrich the country. We are facing a war and we need all the human resources we can acquire. We need to unite. Time is of the essence. If those in power do not act wisely and speedily, this country is doomed and there will be untold suffering on the sovereign people.

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