May 17, 2008

Anything is possible

Hello again.

I read this from an unknown author-

If there was ever a time to dare,
to make a difference,
to embark on something worth doing,
It is now.
Not for any grand cause necessarily,
But for something that tugs at your heart,
something that's your inspiration,
something that's your dream.
You owe it to yourself
to make your days here count.
Have fun.
Dig deep.
Dream Big.
Know, though, that things worth doing
Seldom come easy.
There will be good days.
And there will be bad days.
There will be times when you want to turn around,
Pack it up, and call it quits.
Those times tell you
that you are pushing yourself.
That you are not afraid to learn by trying.
Because with an idea,
Determination and right tools,
You can do do great things.
Let your instincts, your intellect,
and your heart guide you.
Believe in the incredible power of the human mind.
Of doing something that makes a difference.
Of working hard.
Of laughing and hoping.
Of lazy afternoons.
Of lasting friends.
Of all things that will cross your path this year.
The start of something new
brings the hope of something great.
Anything is possible.

I would like to add that whatever we do in life, we have to be in an ambition-arousing atmosphere. We need an environment that will stimulate us to self development. We need to keep close to the people who understand us, who believe in us. Who will help us discover ourself and encourage us to make the most of ourselves. People whose aspirations run parallel to ours. This may make the all the difference between grand success and a mediocre existence.
Let me just say i am talking from experience as I have not been that succesful in life so far (well at least that is how i feel because i still can't buy that BMW i like or that dream house in front of the beach and top of the mountain) because the closest friends i have are all like me-mediocre- we like to take it easy..dreamers and are, like my mum says NATOs - no action, talk only. We are passionate, sometimes too blinded by passion that we do not know what to do. Some have started their own blogs to vent their frustrations in life. So i have decided to follow suit. I must stop digressing - So that is evidence why i am where i am. But that does not mean my friends and i cannot be succesful. We can be suddenly aroused, stirred from the slumbering power within us..We have done it before but it comes once in a while.
Now to continue with chasing the dream. To be succesful, all we have to do is to avoid doing the things i have been doing in the past - We must stick to those who are trying to do something and to be somebody in the world-people with high and lofty ambitions. These people will infect us with the spirit to dominate the environment. Ambition is contagious. I am going to try it. Let's see where it brings me by the end of the year. Will keep you posted on my progress...

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